Archive of previous meetings
25 April 2024
Brenden Bennett gave a talk about his Kenyan charity KOFUP, which supports vulnerable children and young people in Kenya and Uganda. He brought some lovely artwork and crafts, created by the people of Kisumu.
28 March 2024
Lindsey Barrell will be giving a talk - Burlesque, me and the WI.
22 February 2024
One of our members Femi gave a talk - My Journey to my MBE.
25 January 2024
Murder Mystery Night
7 December 2023
It’s now a tradition for Lynda to give us one of her challenging Christmas Quizzes during the December monthly meeting. A great time was had by all, plus we’ve learned a new fact or two.
23 November 2023
Kerstin led another successful Christmas craft session, this time with stars and crackers.
26 October 2023
Amazing Lucy Allen, stunt woman, gave a fascinating talk on her 30+ years in the business. She’s appeared in everything from Eastenders to the Mission Impossible and Bond movies!
28 September 2023
Corbett WI’s September meeting brought us Avril, who led a session on Bucket Drumming. What an impressive display from our members!
27 July 2023
Hester Van Hien of Tidylicious gave an inspiring talk on how to declutter our homes.
22 June 2023
With new members joining Corbett WI all the time, we held a “speed meet” event, where we spent two minutes taking to the person in the chair opposite us, then we moved one to the left and spoke to the next person. It was a really good way to get to know each better.
25 May 2023
Corbett WI had it’s Annual Meeting and Christine was elected as President for another year, whoop, whoop!
Eileen, Roisin, Pam and Abi joined the Committee and Debbie, Phoenix and Yvonne chose to step down.
27 April 2023
Christine from the Thames Explorer Trust gave a talk on the history of the Thames foreshore. Our members are looking forward to the upcoming mudlarking trip very much.
23 March 2023
We had a very entertaining talk from George, the Pearly King of Peckham, about all things Cockney.
23 February 2023
Angela and Liz from the Orpington and District Caledonian Society came to teach us Scottish dancing and what a fun night it was! You can see some of our efforts below, with more pictures to follow.
27 January 2023
Creative Kerstin started of the new year with a CD Calendars session.
8 December 2022
We celebrated the last meeting of the year with one of Lynda’s Christmas quizzes, wine and nibbles. Have a very merry Christmas everyone!
24 November 2022
Another fantastic craft making evening lead by our talented Kerstin.
27 October 2022
Corbett WI members were given a great Zumba session by Joni from the Abbotshall Healthy Lifestyle Centre. What a workout!
22 September 2022
Another great meeting activity curtesy of Kerstin, who taught us how to make paper hedgehogs. Well done everyone!
28 July 2022
Maritza from The Hygiene Bank gave a talk about how hygiene poverty is on the rise.
23 June 2022
Policewoman Gail Ansell gave a talk on her 20+ years service within the Metropolitan Police. It was extremely eye opening and our members didn’t hold back during the Q&A portion!
26 May 2022
At our Annual Meeting Corbett WI took the opportunity to review the previous year, with reports from the Treasurer and Secretary and a speech from departing President Ann.
Christine, Debbie and Kerstin stood for Committee, with Christine being elected as our new President. So a massive thank you to the three of them for stepping up and congratulations to Christine!
We say goodbye to departing Committee members Ann, Kay and Lynda. Thank you to all of them for their efforts in helping run Corbett WI. Special thanks to Ann for her sterling leadership over the past months!
New President Christine and ex-President Ann.
28 April 2022
Josie taught us how to Soul line dance and a good time was had by all.
24 March 2022
Christine, founder of Vocallective Choir, ran a workshop at our latest monthly meeting and had us singing like pros, well almost. Juba anyone?
24 February 2022
Sharon Cooke, Curator of Andromeda Botanic Gardens, gave an amazing Zoom talk for our February meeting. Andromeda, open to the public since the 70s, is one of the top tourist attractions in Barbados and was originally created as a private garden by Iris Bannochie.
A video of the talk will be posted shortly for those who were unable to make it to February’s meeting.
27 January 2022
Kate led us through a relaxing Tai Chi Qigong session…out with the bad chi, in with the good chi!
16 December 2021
Unfortunately this meeting was cancelled due to concerns regarding the Omicron variant.
25 November 2021
We had a fantastic Christmas cracker making session led by Kerstin.
28 October 2021
Business owner Jenny Fraser came to share some of her exquisite Caribbean cuisine to help us celebrate Black History Month. You can purchase Jenny’s wares via
September 2021
This month we had our first meet up in a shared space since February 2020.
It was our Annual meeting, where we elected Ann as President, with Kay as Vice President. Phoenix, Carmella and Yvonne were re-elected to Committee and Lynda was newly voted in. Gill, Lotte and Eileen all decided to step down and will be sorely missed. A big thank you to ex Co-Presidents Gill and Lotte, who have held the reins ever since Corbett WI began.
We were grateful to Bellingham Bowling Club for allowing us to take up residency in their historic building.
Gill handing over the Clackers to Ann!
June 2020
Corbett WI went digital and had a Zoom meeting where we toured the gardens of Ann, Lotte and Cristina. They shared lots of wonderful ideas for planting, projects and garden design. A fantastic inspiration to get our green fingers working!
March 2020 - Cancelled due to Coronavirus lockdown!
We would have painted Easter eggs, but never mind, roll on next year.
February 2020
Amanda from Drink Adventurous gave a fun talk on the history of cocktail making. She showed us how to make an Old Fashioned three ways, using rum, gin and bourbon; the gin cocktail was voted the favourite! Find more information about Drinks Adventurous on Facebook and Instagram @drinkadventurous.
23 January 2020
Christina, musical director of London based choir Vocallective, joined us for a singing workshop. She was amazing and managed to get us singing in harmony!
December 2019
We enjoyed Christmas nibbles, mulled wine and one of Lynda’s challenging quizzes to round off the year.
November 2019
We were treated to another one of Ann’s beautiful Christmas wreaths
October 2019
Liz gave a very well received talk and demonstration on one of the processes she uses to make some of her work: silver metal clay.
September 2019
Ali Ryan, who is an Ambassador for MQ:Transforming Mental Health Through Research, gave a talk on mental health and wellbeing. Her work can be found on
July 2019
We had a triumphant Plant Sale using the generous contributions of our members. All plants were sold eventually and a grand total of £261 was raised!
June 2019
Camilla from Capital Bee gave a fascinating talk about her city bee-keeping.
May 2019
Our first Annual meeting, where we voted for our President for the next year, well done Gill! The Committee now consists of Ann, Gill, Jackie, Kay, Lotte, Phoenix and Yvonne.
We also voted for the two nationally chosen Resolutions - Don’t fear the smear and the A call against the decline in local buses.
April 2019
We had a Getting to Know You chat. In pairs, changing around every five minutes, we answered the questions - What three words describe you best and why? and What was your best holiday? Great fun for all involved.
March 2019
Author Susan Elliot Wright gave a talk on her life in writing and a reading from her novel The Flight of Cornelia Blackwood.
February 2019
When Tracie Met Edith - an illustrated talk about her trip to see her sponsored child in Uganda and the work of World Vision.
January 2019
Nicole gave a fantastic talk about her trip to Antartica, where she observed numerous penguins, albatrosses, seals and whales.
December 2018
We decided to make the whole evening social time with wine and nibbles, while Lynda hosted a very challenging but entertaining Christmas quiz.
November 2018
Diane demonstrated how to make fantastic bobble hats out of toilet rolls and Ann made a gorgeous Christmas wreath.
October 2018
Dionne gave a fascinating demonstration on how to make one of her beautiful button cards. She also gave an interesting account of her time living in Qatar.
Visit Dionne’s Etsy shop Created in Crystal
September 2018
There was a viewing of the documentary Archibald Cameron Corbett: The Man and the Houses.The film had its inaugural screening in Catford on Saturday 20 January 2018 and has since had a number of screenings in and around London to great reviews.
Also, Team Catford came to talk to Corbett WI about the Masterplan regeneration of Catford town centre.
July 2018
We put our thinking caps on to answers some challenging and entertaining questions asked by Lynda from her Women themed quiz.
June 2018
Dave Potter gave a talk about his conserves, jams and chutneys, which he makes from local finds and sells under the name of Potter’s Preserves. He can be found at Blackheath Farmers’ Market on the first Sunday of each month.
For more details you can also find Potter’s Preserves on Facebook and Twitter.
May 2018
Ann gave a fascinating talk on her time working as a croupier in a casino.
Photo by Jack Hamilton on Unsplash
April 2018
Mandy Rawsthorne talked about her self published book This is Your Time.
March 2018
Katherine gave a talk on Woodlands Farm Trust, where she works as a volunteer.